A Path Towards being Debt Free! Many residents in Toronto find themselves buried under large credit card bills and debt repayments which they ought to handle every month. Most debt files have multiple branches and no one is aware of how much are they paying on interests and how much are they affecting their credit…
August 25 Deal of the Week – Pre-Construction Condo Conundrum! Lawrence purchased his pre-construction Condo in Toronto in 2013 and ran into problems when it came time to find a mortgage 3 years later. His credit score took a huge hit after his divorce and he was turned down from the banks.
Insider Tips: Which Renovations Will Boost Your Home’s Resale Value? When considering which home improvements to undergo, a good rule of thumb is to consider the amount of money spent compared to the value it will add to the home. This should not be the only consideration, as making sure that the home is structurally
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